We use the “Remind” tool to send up-to-the-minute text messages to communicate urgent issues that we may have at our pools (practice changes, weather alerts, etc.)
We are changing our Remind groups, this year, as we have changed our practice groups. Please follow the instructions below to connect to the appropriate group’s Remind alerts:
Send a text to 81010 with the following characters for each group:
@eastacswim (for East Academy group)
@noracswim (for North Academy group)
@altaacswim (for Alta Academy group)
@eastshar (for East Leopard Shark, Mako Shark, and Tiger Shark groups)
@northshar (for North Leopard Shark, Mako Shark, and Tiger Shark groups)
@presrswim (for all Pre-Senior groups)
@cscsrswim (for all Senior Groups)